Ride 4 - A bikepark trip with friends

Ride 4 - A bikepark trip with friends

This video shows the fun you can have with friends on a bikepark trip. No big tricks, just party laps and good times. A collaboration between VANTRACK and Leightback creates the perfect combination of camping, biking and having fun while being with people you love being around.



Big thanks to Green Hill Bikepark, Zerode Bikes, M.V. Media, VANTRACK, Jorrit Wijsen, Tim Koster and Matthijs Koster. Camera: M.V. Media Edit: Leightback Colour: Matthijs Koster Location: Green Hill Bikepark Photography: Rien Swagerman Riders: Jorrit Wijsen, Tim Koster, Matthijs Koster and Arne Bijsterbosch Song: Colors – Black Pumas

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